Coding using micro:bit - I#

micro:bit Resources for Learners#

  1. Complete steps 1-3 of the Getting started tutorial. The following links might be useful for step 3:

    • MakeCode Editor – a visual editor which uses blocks to build programs. Good for beginners who want to learn programming logic and abstraction.

    • Python Editor – a text editor for writing programs in MicroPython. Good for continuing users who want to get familiar with real-world programming.

  2. Complete the Heart and the Beating Heart projects (interaction with the LED display).

  3. Complete the Jukebox project (interaction with sounds).

  4. Complete the Thermometer and the Max-min thermometer projects (interaction with sensors).

micro:bit Teaching Resources#

  1. Featured introductory courses

  2. Collection of short courses

  3. MakeCode lessons and projects

  4. Projects that align wiht UN’s Global Goals

  5. Classroom hand-outs

  6. At-home exercises

micro:bit Additional Resources#

  1. micro:bit Let’s code